• Tweaking Centrarium Theme

    Basic Site Setting

    Change site setting in /_config.yml per your setting.

    Centrarium’s defalut base_url was /centrarium, which makes me to use http://localhost/centrarium:4000 instead of http://localhost:4000 or http://ryuci.github.io/centrarium instead of http://ryuci.github.io.

    I don’t like it and changed base_url to blank.


  • Using Math Expressions in Your Jekyll Blog

    My blog is using Kramdown markdown converter. Since Kramdown supports MathJax, you can do PNG rendering using Latex syntax. In plain words, you can put fancy math expressions like this in your blog using LaTex syntax.

    How to enable...

  • Solution to 'Invitation to Discrete Mathematics'

    As of March 2018, I’m taking a Mook course regaring discrete mathematics from Coursera. Unfortunately, the video lecture coverage is too narrow to understand the subject and to confidently solve assignments and quiz, which is why many students complain about the course. However, as beauty is in the eye...

  • Jekyll Installation on macOS

    Whenever installing open source based software, I frequently lose confidence whether I’m on the right track in the course of doing it. It’s mainly because I’m not sure if the instructions on the net is suitable for my setting, if I fully understand them, and if I follow them correctly....

  • 도대체 얼마나 오래 코딩을 배워야 하나요?

    많은 학부모님들께서 궁금해하시는 사항이기도 하고 저도 늘 고민하고 있는 문제입니다. 제가 고민하는 이유는 다음과 같습니다.

    1. 코딩 공부에 끝이 없다는 것을 학부모님에게 이해시키기가 쉽지 않다. (오해 사기 딱 좋다!)
    2. 훌륭한 소프트웨어 개발자의 잠재력을 가진 학생들은 실제로 매우 빨리 배우며, 어느 수준 이상이 되면 혼자서 컴퓨터,...